Sunday, April 5, 2009


A Holy Week to all!

It was a case of God's impeccable timing. It was kairos timing. That's not the chonological time kept by a calendar or wristwatch. Instead, it's the appropriate, full, correct and pregnant timing of an occurrence.

Several weeks ago I used Michelangelo's extraordinary sculpture, The Pieta, on the Operation Nightwatch bulletin cover. As we drew closer to Holy Week I'd wanted Micelangelo's 500 year-old work to introduce the more recent work of Santa Fe, NM sculptor Glenna Goodacre. Goodacre's bronze sculpture of the three women and the wounded, dying man is the Women Veterans of Vietnam Memorial in Washington, DC. She was clearly inpsired by the Italian master.

How could I know that my friend Jack would die on the day I would use a photograph of Goodacre's sculpture on the bulletin?

And two weeks ago I decided to have a special healing prayer time at worship tonight. How could I have known that "B" would come in needing prayer for a brand new diagnosis of cancer? Or that "O" would come in with the hope and scary process of getting into rehab and getting clean?

If ever there were a time for healing prayer...

When isn't there?

Must have been God's kairos time, God's right time.



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